Energy efficiency enhanced at the Vittoria Shipyard’s Adria facility
The Vittoria Shipyard, a Veneto-based company that specializes in the construction of military, paramilitary and commercial vessels, has taken another step forward in the pursuit of environmental sustainability with the LED relamping of its “home” by the Canal Bianco river.
The Vittoria Shipyard continues to engage in environmental sustainability. This Veneto-based company, which specializes in the design and construction of military, paramilitary and commercial vessels, already has a line up of environmentally friendly vessels under its belt, has adopted complete recycling practices in regard to production waste and has installed a photovoltaic solar power system. Now, building on this progress, the Vittoria Shipyard has enhanced the energy efficiency of its plant in Adria by relamping the entire shipbuilding area with new generation LED lighting. The replacement of the original lighting with LED lights was carried out by the company Tumiati Impianti, based in Porto Viro, allowing the Vittoria Shipyard to save up to 50,000 kg of CO2 every year.
Overall, the energy upgrade of the shipyard, also supported by the solar energy production program launched last spring, will reduce total CO2 emissions by 210,000 kg a year.

“Environmental protection, the health and safety of workers, and the development of manufacturing technology are key elements for the sustainable growth of the company,” says Paolo Duò, president of Vittoria Shipyard. “Improving the environmental and energy performance of our plant is, therefore, an integral part of the development policies of our business. For this reason, even before the relamping, we adopted significant measures, such as the installation of photovoltaic solar panels and projects concerning the management of waste from our production processes, and we are committed to putting into practice responsible behavior that involves the daily habits of our staff to make our company plastic-free. The attention to energy efficiency and the results of assessments carried out have allowed our Research and Development division to improve efficiency measures that can benefit our company in terms of energy savings and, as a result, enhance the well-being of our local area and community.”