A sum of values that translate into safety and reliability
It is necessary to experiment, imagine innovative solutions to problems never faced before. The only certainty is the quality.
The goal to reach through an infinity sum of exact gestures and brave intuitions.
A firm point, that of the quality, which becomes a lifestyle, a way to see things and a prospective that shapes every decision in the family.
Sum of values, translated into aesthetic harmony, but especially, in safety and reliability. Abstracts concepts that become concrete when they concern the lives of the people who sail on the hulls of Vittoria shipyard. Every boat is born to put out into the sea, but it must always come back to the harbour. In fact, in this navigation vehicle, fragile edge of surface surrounded by water, there are people’s lives, individual and collective stories.
The construction sector of Cantiere Navale Vittoria

The constructive section of Cantiere Navale Vittoria can rely on a team of people, bounded by the values of the company, with extremely specialized skills and perseverant passion to go beyond the obstacles. The shipyard’s construction, follow a precise procedure in which every department are coordinated in order to get the best result: from tracing to the construction of the first blocks of the hulls, from welding, painting, passing through the electrical sector, furniture and everything that contributes to making a product immortal.
The entire production has been internalized, thanks to the significant support of suppliers, indispensable for the optimization of a supply chain that leaves no room for errors, in which every single detail is part of a bigger whole.
As result, the constructive process is followed every day by our production managers, proving to be the feather of one of the many cap.