Our commitment
We define our targets conscious of the values of our Company, the dynamic evolutions of the context where we work, and the stakeholders involved. We strongly believe that innovation, modern technologies, and new ways of thinking are crucial to win future challenges.
Our commitment is defined by the following principles:
- Realize a high-tech, economically valid, and qualitatively compliant to the requirements and the demands of our Clients.
- Operate with a sense of responsibility in accordance with the requirements, standards, and applicable rules.
- Conduct our activities with the highest attention to the safety of people and third parties involved, committing ourselves to prevent accidents at work, occupational illness, through the active participation of each worker and the Company itself.
- Improve its results in the field of environment protection and pollution control, conducting our activities in a sustainable way with the balance between ecological and economical needs by reducing the quantity and dangerousness of waste.
- Encourage the involvement and participation, the responsibility, and the motivation of the Company’s workers in order to increase their satisfaction.
The Company is committed to raising awareness and encouraging the staff in relation to the prevention of events and dangerous behaviours related to the health, safety, and environment respect.
We consider that the respect of the standards of quality, health and safety and environmental protection is the minimum but indispensable condition of legitimacy of the exercise of its processes and an instrument, of rationalization and efficiency, of the business organization.
Finally, we care of the use of dedicated financial, technological and professional resources: a productive investment and a qualifying element of its commitment to quality, health and safety and environmental protection.
The Management is committed to the maintenance and continuous improvement of the administration system, by defining strategic aims through the people participation.
The continuous improvement of the management system is ensured by periodic directional reviews aimed at evaluating the practical achievement of the objectives, the company policy and the progress accomplished.